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Like every country, the United States has holidays on which historical events of great importance to the country are commemorated. Americans, proud of their culture, show us through movies and other cultural expressions what many of these holidays consist of and others that coincide with traditions that although not official are equally famous, such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, the Easter egg hunt, Spring Break, Halloween and Black Friday. In this article we refer specifically to which are the official holidays in the United States:
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Every year, the third Monday in January marks the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. a reverend who played a leading role in the legal establishment of civil rights for African Americans, as well as being known for his fight against poverty and for speaking out against the Vietnam War.
Presidents’ Day
February not only marks another birthday, that of George Washington, the first president of the United States, but the opportunity is taken to honor all U.S. presidents. This takes place on the third Monday of the month.
Memorial day
During Memorial Day, a holiday celebrated on the last Monday in May, tribute is paid to all those who have died in service to the United States, for which a moment of silence is observed at 3:00 p.m. In addition, since the previous Friday, visits to national monuments erected in honor of these people are allowed.
Independence Day
The 4th of July celebrates the emergence of the United States as a country independent from England, after the Continental Congress declared the independence of this country on that day in 1776. During that day Americans not only fly the flag in their homes but also dress in colors allusive to the flag. ‘
Shows, parades and festivals are also held in every city and town in the United States, with one of the most popular shows being called “A Capitol Fourth,” which takes place in Washington, D.C., and the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island, NY. The 4th of July is also celebrated with a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgers, followed by an ice cream dessert that has a particularity, it is made by the diner himself.
Finally, the day closes with fireworks that everyone launches from their homes or witnessing or others organized throughout the country by different organizations, one of the most famous being the Macy’s Fourth of July Fireworks taking place in New York.
Labor Day
In the United States Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September and not on May 1st as is common, for the reasons explained in this BBC article. During this day there are also barbecues, sports tournaments and going to the beach.
Columbus Day
The day of the discovery of the American continent is also celebrated by Americans on the second Monday of October since it was declared so by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937.
Veterans Day
On November 11, the United States and other countries commemorate the armistice that ended the First World War. On this day, veterans are honored for their service. It should be noted that when this holiday falls on a weekend, the working holiday is moved to the immediately preceding or following business day (if it falls on a Saturday, the holiday would be on Friday, and if it falls on a Sunday, the holiday would be on Monday).
Thanksgiving Day
The fourth Thursday in November commemorates the first harvest of the English Pilgrims in the United States, which they celebrated by dining with the Wampanoag Native American Indians. Today Thanksgiving is celebrated by having dinner at the home of the oldest relative, usually the grandparents, where attendees give thanks for the good things they have, while eating turkey, cranberry sauce, corn and pumpkin candy for dessert. On this day also many organizations offer free food to the most needy people. The Friday following Thanksgiving is Black Friday shopping.
December is one of the best times of the year worldwide and the United States excels in this regard. The so-called holiday season begins with Thanksgiving and is followed by Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25 and among the main Christmas traditions is the decoration of homes and public places with Christmas trees, lights, garlands and images of Santa Claus and his reindeer.
On December 24, stores are usually open until the last minute for people to shop. Christmas Eve is celebrated on that day, when Christmas dinner is held, which usually consists of savory pies, turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy. That night the children hang stockings near the fireplace, with the expectation that the next day they will find presents in the stockings and at the foot of the Christmas tree.
New Year

Although this holiday is on January 1, like Christmas it is celebrated from the day before in which Americans count down the last 10 seconds of the year, watch soccer games, eat beans or black beans, wear lucky clothes, make resolutions and watch fireworks. Finally, on January 1, parades are held to celebrate the New Year.