Interested in hosting an exchange student? Contact us to help you. Generally speaking, when we talk about going on an exchange we see things from …
Imagine meeting a family like yours in another country. Imagine you become friends. Now imagine being able to give your children the opportunity to immerse …
Braille language
Every January 4 is celebrated the World Braille DayThe alphabetic relief system, designed to represent letters, punctuation marks, numbers, scientific graphics, mathematical symbols and music, …
International Human Solidarity Day
December 20th is the day that the General Assembly proclaimed as the International Human Solidarity Day which promotes to focus on eradicating poverty, maintaining the …
5 Razones para hacer un intercambio a Francia
La Torre Eiffel, los Campos Elíseos, el Louvre, Napoleón, Víctor Hugo… Tantos siglos de historia y encanto condensados en un solo lugar: Francia. Este país …
Claves para ser una buena familia anfitriona
¿Quieres alojar a un estudiante de un programa de intercambio? Queremos ayudarte. Participar en un programa de intercambio tiene ingentes ventajas para los estudiantes, mas …