One of the aspects by which Spain is characterized is its great catalog of cultural expressions that are torn between the sacred and the pagan. …
Advantages of hosting an exchange student
For many, it is a dream to travel to another country, be it just for pleasure, work or study purposes while learning a different language. However, …
Cómo conocer mejor Estados Unidos
¿Estás interesado en hacer un intercambio en Estados Unidos? En este artículo conocerás las cinco cosas que debes hacer si vas a ese país. Te …
Sport & Peace
Sport has the power to unite people from around the world, no matter where you’re from, what you look like or what language you speak, …
What the companies do for their employees, and for their families? HR departments are becoming more relevant due to the big problem many companies have: …
INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTIVITY: Pending issue of companies
A happy employee is more profitable, companies still lack methods to avoid the outflow of talent INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTIVITY – The keys to productivity are the …
Travel and Discover: World becomes small!
Travel unleashes in us emotions that can help us in times of sadness. It awakens our endorphins the same as a good song, sports or …
Bicycle: Transportation, health, sport and friendship
Without any doubt, bicycle is experiencing a stage of splendor, everyone is up for it: whether it is alone, with friends, or family … to …
Rules of courtesy to be a good guest
You have surely have had guests at home and you know what you liked and what you didn’t like about them. But there might be …
Travel and learn languages: another cheap and simple alternative
Traveling and learning languages is one of the premises of people when they ask us about our wishes. If we read the press daily, new …