International Day of Families!

Dia de la Familia

Since 1994, every may 15th it´s celebrated the International Family Day. It was proclaimed 25 years ago by the United Nations  in order to raise awareness of the fundamental role played by families in the education of their children.

It is the main pillar that defines each person, since babies we adopt the values, customs, traditions and is formed by the hand of the family.

The concept of family has been transformed over the years according to trends and demographic changes. However, it is still the main unit of society. It is with whom we share moments full of laughter, love and sometimes anger, but we know that whatever happens there will be.

The family is the home to return to, they are our memories of childhood and adolescence and should be the foundation to create our own. Enjoy together, talk often and be attentive to each other.

It is true that we all by nature need a tribe, a place to which we belong, someone who loves us, a family to belong (anonymous).

In Via Families we believe that among all families we can make a better world if we help each other, because we all want the best for our children, since we all belong to the great family of the world.

All families seek the same, after all: we want our children to be open, empathetic and good people, who contribute their bit to society to make it better.

Provide a warm and welcoming home as a host family.

In Via Families we unite two important aspects in the growth of a person that are: family and education. That is why we offer an international platform of families interested in the international education of their children, proposing three options:

  1. Exchanges, whether simultaneous or not
  2. If you can not send your child, do not worry, you can receive another student at home and learn the culture and language of your guest’s origin.
  3. You can not receive another student at home, do not worry, send your child with a family like yours.   

Choose the family with who you want to share with the education of your children.

Living a linguistic / cultural experience of this magnitude brings many benefits, some of them are:

  1. Overcome fears, therefore enhances security, personal growth and self-esteem
  2. Promote autonomy and personal growth

Do you want to know more benefits? Click here

In Via Families you decide where, when and with whom, saving you up to 90% of the cost, all the details are freely agreed between interested families. Join the international community of families, by clicking HERE.

I leave the campaign that Ikea made for Christmas last year to reflect if the time we share with the family is of quality. Let’s take a moment to ask our loved ones how are they, what do they do, feel good? enjoy every moment and transform it into a unique, quality moment.






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