INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTIVITY: Pending issue of companies


A happy employee is more profitable, companies still lack methods to avoid the outflow of talent


– The keys to productivity are the effectiveness and efficiency of workers at the collective level but also at the individual level. For an employee to have a good working method he needs to have self-motivation. Both concepts are related and that is where a leader and a team manager should try to influence for a compromise between company and employee, in order to obtain that motivation that will, in the end, improve the profitability of the company. For it, there must be fulfilled a series of parameters:

1 – Work satisfaction:

People’s satisfaction has a direct impact on the productivity of the company. The place of work is where you usually spend most of the day and by having a conformity, it increases your motivation and desire to work. A good leader must encourage this motivation, rewarding in some way the work and realizing techniques where the employees can have autonomy, ability to decide. That they find benefits form working for that company besides the salary.

2- Identification:

Commitment to the company is an indispensable requirement in any workplace, and for this the worker must feel identified with the goal and the objective of any organization. Identification with the brand is more than a commitment, since it is not an obligation, but a feeling that the company must develop in the employee. This feeling also leads to increased productivity.

3- Competences:

In order to reach high levels and expected results in a company, the conditions that an individual worker must have are to gather skills: adaptability, creativity, communication, tenacity, etc. These qualities are basic to perform the job. The contribution and personal capacity aside from your academic knowledge, will help to carry out the tasks and also improve the company.


Raising the salary is not the only way to motivate and to get the worker happy and loyal to the company.

There are rewards to which more organizations join every day so that workers feel more committed and increase their job satisfaction. Gratuities such as transportation, restaurant tickets, health insurance or aid in the education of children can greatly save employees, so it has been proven that the company motivates it without having to resort to salary increases.

Via Families presents itself as a social platform that allows multinational companies to offer a service to their associates and workers to make exchanges with families and students who share common needs and interests with their children in different countries, allowing them to learn different languages, and cultures. But also with the convenience of sharing tastes and interests with the exchange family.

Thanks to this platform companies that decide to adapt it to their workers as a form of remuneration will have the advantage of improving their brand as an employer and stand out against their competition. It is a novel system that makes companies loyal and retan talent.



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