It is usual to spend Christmas with family, but many students take advantage to live a new experience celebrating out of home. Christmas is a …
Traveling as a family can be a very enriching and rewarding experience for all members of the group. We show you some good reasons why it is good to travel as a family.
Family is a group of people who are related to each other by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family may include parents, children, siblings, grandparents, uncles, cousins, and other relatives.
What is the family?
The family is a fundamental unit in society, since it provides emotional, social and economic support to its members. The family can be a source of love, care and protection for the most vulnerable members, such as children and the elderly.
In addition, the family can be a source of identity and belonging for its members. Through the family, people can learn their cultural traditions, values and beliefs. The family can also be a source of learning, where members can learn practical skills, such as cooking, home repair, or gardening.
5 Razones para hacer un intercambio a Francia
La Torre Eiffel, los Campos Elíseos, el Louvre, Napoleón, Víctor Hugo… Tantos siglos de historia y encanto condensados en un solo lugar: Francia. Este país …
Claves para ser una buena familia anfitriona
¿Quieres alojar a un estudiante de un programa de intercambio? Queremos ayudarte. Participar en un programa de intercambio tiene ingentes ventajas para los estudiantes, mas …
Advantages of hosting an exchange student
For many, it is a dream to travel to another country, be it just for pleasure, work or study purposes while learning a different language. However, …
Family, one of the pillars of society
According to the UN, family is “one of the fundamental pillars of society” … But, we all know that nowadays there is no longer just …
Ignacio y Felix – UK- Barcelona
Soy Ana, Conocimos a Christiane, mamá de Felix a través de Via Families. Contactamos con ella a través de la pasarela de mensajería y enseguida …